Monday, March 21, 2011

Megamind - Platinum Trophy Tips

It could be considered a sin to even write a walkthrough for this ridiculously easy game, so I won't bother doing anything more than provide the link I used as a guide. I opened a gamefly trial account just to finish a few easy platinums, and this is the first. Took me 3.5 hrs or so, although people report they've finished it in ~ 2 hrs. Quite possible, it perhaps took me a bit longer because I kept falling a million times on those floating crates in some levels. Anyway, just took me one playthrough and no more revisits.

The key things to remember (for finishing in one playthrough) are:
1) Finish one level without dying - level 1 is where I got this as there wasn't much platforming to do.
2) Finish the boss fights in levels 3, 6, 9, 10 without dying. Just use the tips in the above link.
3) Collect 3000 B.I.N.K.E.Ys (those blue objects) in one level - level 2 has plenty of this so just keep breaking the objects around until you get this.

This is my 4th platinum. Rent it (don't waste money buying it) and have fun with the super easy platinum!

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