Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mafia Wars (Facebook) Bookmarklets

Writing some bookmarklet to make mafia wars less painful ... will be adding more / fixing issues with the existing ones. I'm testing these only with Chrome browser, but they should work with Firefox as well. If you use IE, go get a better browser.

To install these, just drag the bookmarket links (like the Add link below) to your bookmarks bar. If your bookmarks bar is already cluttered, then create a folder there and drop this link into that folder (that's how I do it). Once installed, just go to the appropriate page (where the bookmarklet is supposed to work) and then click on the bookmarklet (which should now be on your bookmarks bar).

This joins a user who plays mafia wars AND is on your facebook friends list to your mafia team. The current limitation is that if the user's page does not have an "id" in the link, for example, if it doesn't look like:

then this bookmarklet will ask you to enter the id yourself. To find this id, hover your mouse over links like "Send a Message" or "Poke user", which is usually found below the person's profile picture. When you hover, watch the status bar for the link it shows - this will look something like
Enter that number when the bookmarklet asks for it.

Special Note: For some reason, this script doesn't seem to do anything when you use it. You'll be taken to mafia wars app, but nothing seems to happen. If this happens, just run the script again keeping some mafia wars window open. This seems to be a reliable workaround.

This one will heal you completely, saving the pain of clicking the hospital link, and pressing the heal button. Of course, this isn't free, you'll be charged the same amount. Note that, the script currently will heal you in the city you are in - so if you are wandering in Cuba, it'll empty your Cuban bank balance. I'm trying to work on a script that'll heal you in New York hospital, but until then, make sure you fly to NY and then run this script.

Instead of asking someone to send you an energy pack every day, run this script to use it directly. So if you click this one, you should either see a page that says "You already used your Energy Pack today. You must wait xxx hours xxx minutes before you can use another one.", or your energy level should have gone up.

If you open a mafia player's facebook profile page and run this script, that user's mafia wars profile page will be opened. Again, the requirement is the same as Add script (see above) - the link needs to contain the user id. If not, an input box will appear asking for it, and you should enter it yourself (using the method described above). If you don't enter anything, your mafia profile page will be opened.

If you open a mafia player's facebook profile page and run this script, you'll see the "Promote Page" - the page you would see if you click the Promote button next to the user (in your group list). This way, if you add a new player to your list, you can quickly pull up his promote page to see if it is worth promoting him/her to a top position. remember that you need to have added the person to your mafia before you use this script. Again, the requirement is the same as Add script (see above) - the link needs to contain the user id. If not, an input box will appear asking for it, and you should enter it yourself (using the method described above). If you don't enter anything, your mafia profile page will be opened.

Opens your mafia group members page (I find it painful to click My Mafia, then click View Your Mafia).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG... heights of vettiness
or brilliance :P